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Product Changelog, June 2019

Sample HubSpot User

Jun 26, 2019

New Catalog Offerings

🎢 New Songs in June

This June, we've released 138 new songs for your video project needs; more are being mastered and coming your way!


🎧 New Playlists in June

June has also brought the following new Curated Playlists to our Catalog:


New & Improved Features

πŸ“„ Licenses Page

Your Licenses page went through a much-needed overhaul. We hope you enjoy!

Licenses Page


Licenses Date Display & Ordering

The Licenses are now displaying the Date each Song was licensed (Month/Day/Year). 

Your licenses are now confirmed as ordered by date, with Most Recent Licenses on top, in descending order, to the Oldest Licenses at the bottom.


Licenses Actions

The previously present icons have been converted into plaintext hyperlinks so that they are easy to read, understand, and engage with: 

  • ‍Download
  • License Again‍‍
  • Submit and/or Download Cue Sheet


Licenses Search

Even better, the Licenses page is now Searchable

You can use the search field at the top of the page to filter your Licenses by the Song Title, Artist Name, or Project Title you entered upon licensing.


πŸ“Ί Cue Sheets for TV Process

You spoke up, and we heard! The Cue Sheets for TV prompt and submission process was a bit confusing for our members. We apologize for that! It's a tricky thing to try to explain, and encourage in a simple way.

Thanks for hanging in there as we try to get it as clear as day for you! 

πŸŽ—Reminder: Cue Sheets are only needed if your video project and song licenses will be broadcast on traditional Network and/or Cable Channel TV Programs and Advertisements.

If that pertains to your next project(s), see what we adjusted below:

  • We tweaked the copy of the prompt on the License Info modal to "Will this be broadcast on network and/or cable television?"
  • We moved the Cue Sheets for TV modal after the Download Song modal step, so you can snag your song files first!
  • We added the reminder and opportunity to "Submit a Cue Sheet" after you have had a chance to Download the song, if it's ready to go.
Cue Sheets for TV Process
Download the song, if it's ready to go


Tip on Cue Sheet Submissions: 

If you're not ready to submit a Cue Sheet after downloading the Song, it is still available for you on your Licenses page to submit when ready in the new plaintext hyperlink "Submit Cue Sheet."

You can find the Cue Sheet on the given song that you selected "Yes" to being used on network and/or cable channels on TV during licensing.

If you already submitted it, you can also "Download Cue Sheet" after the fact should you need that file for any other purposes.


πŸ“© Email Validation on Create Your Account & Pricing Email Field

Email Validation on Create Your Account & Pricing Email Field

We recognized a high bounce rate on submitted email addresses from users and members when trying to reach out via email for Customer Care support and when sending out user-requested newsletters and updates from Soundstripe.

After troubleshooting, we found a pattern in the email errors we were receiving; they were mostly due to a misspelled email address attempt (i.e. ".con" instead of ".com").

In light of that, we decided to help you by introducing some ways of validating email addresses during the submission process in key areas on-site.‍‍

These updates include:‍
  • On Sign-Up during the Create Your Account step, the Email Field now has email validation suggestions for you to help ensure you're entering a valid address the first go-around (i.e. "Did you mean mequzubuhy@mailinator.net?" is suggested when the ".net" has a conspicuous "s" at the end).
  • On the Pricing Page, if you choose to get access to the latest news, updates, and resources from us, the email address field also suggests valid address completion if you enter in a potentially invalid email address (i.e. "Did you mean myname@soundstripe.com?" is suggested when the ".co" is missing the "m").
Did you mean myname@soundstripe.com


Support & Maintenance

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Sign-Up Issues - "Create Your Account" was not loading after clicking "Submit" for certain customers. This bug was growing in frequency (Clearing Cache & remove Ad Blocker worked almost every time). We fixed for all the other edge cases. Woo!
  • Individual SFX Pages - SFX AudioPlayer was double playing audio files. That's no longer an issue!

Hooray! Not too many bugs this time.

But, as always, if you find a bug, be sure to let us know by reaching out to our Customer Care Concierges on Live Chat so we can squash it for you!

‍Unlimited royalty free music & SFX


πŸ’» Did you miss last month's Product Changelog? β€

No frets, it's right here: see what we launched on app.soundstripe.com in May!
